As we are getting ready to head back to the states for a couple months, we thought it a good idea to put up a ministry update blog post. I thought it would be helpful to share several different aspects of ministry that we are currently involved in here in Kisumu. Hopefully you'll get an idea of life, ministry, praises, prayer requests, etc. from reading this brief update.
Wednesday Night Bible Study: One of the biggest highlights for us in this season has been the Bible Study that has been started on Wednesday nights. We meet in Pastor Stephen and Maureen's house and typically have between 8 and 12 people (mostly men). As the African stereotype goes, things never start on time... but this is one exception. Most people are there 5min early because they don't want to miss out on the teaching of God's Word. After the first week as an introduction (topical study on The Word) we've begun the trek through Genesis (just this week finishing chapter 4). We start with a couple worship songs (sometimes in Kiswahili and sometimes in English) and then begin digging right into the Word. Pastor Stephen has been teaching in English with an occasional kiswahili interjection or explanation. After the 45min teaching and closing prayer the floor is opened up for question and answer. There are always a handful of questions, some which have sprung from the study and others that have been waiting for a time and place to ask from long before. I'm blessed that I often get to be part of fielding some of those questions. We then close with a song and prayer and depending on if the evening storm has come or gone, we then head out back to our home across town. Something that Peggy and I have truly enjoyed is the commitment and enthusiasm of the men who are coming (and at this point it is mostly men coming) for the Word. We are praying that the first leaders of the church will be from among this group.
Friday Night Worship and Prayer: Among other highlights, our Friday night worship time has been high on the list each week. We sporadically started this gathering by informally inviting a few over to just sing worship songs and pray for each other. We didn't know that it would grow to an average of 20-25 people each week. Unlike the Bible Study where we are the only white people, this group is mostly people from foreigners (like us) to Kenya. I'm blessed to have an opportunity to use the talents that God has given me to sing and play and lead, and also to have a venue where I can Worship the Lord in song the way we are familiar with in our own church back home. There have been several of these nights that the presence of the Lord has been so real amongst us that it is hard to bring it to a close. Another aspect of this group is how diverse everyone is in terms of their religious affiliation (all Christians) but very different backgrounds.
Discipleship: Both me and my wife have been making a point to get together individually with Stephen and Maureen in a discipleship manner. Stephen and I have been spending most of our time discussing the in's and out's of church ministry here in Kisumu and how the Lord would have us move forward. Peggy and Maureen have been studying the book of Philippians together. Each of our times has been so delightful and fruitful. Even if the Lord took us to be with Him or sent us away to another place, we know that this couple would be just fine to continue the work the Lord has purposed here in Kisumu.
Men's/Women's Bible Study: Peggy and I have also been blessed to join a Men's/Women' bible study respectively, where each of us are able to connect with other missionaries of the same sex for prayer, accountability, and studying through the Word. We know that having this component will be key and crucial to our 'long term' desire to live here and continue to be effective in a cross-cultural setting.
LIFE: Although I could go on for a while several other things which each have their value, the aforementioned ministries have been the major areas we've been blessed to serve through here in Kisumu so far. Aside from these there's a ministry of Daily Life that always presents itself, and should not be undervalued or missed. Almost daily we have visitors knock at our gate seeking for help (usually financially) or some other need. We also have those who are with is daily in and around the house (Mary, Cynthia, Sunday, Joseph, Thomas) just to name a few. Our lives are constantly on display and opportunities to pray for them are always there. We are blessed that Sunday has prayed to receive Jesus as his Lord and Savior and spends several hours a day reading the Bible in his native language (Luo). We also have the ministry to one another as a family (husband to wife, parent to child) which if these falter or break down at any time our effectiveness any where else is greatly diminished if not rendered completely ineffective. Thus, of all we do, this is perhaps the most valuable and pivotal of all our ministry opportunities. So please keep this and all these ministries in your prayers. We are stoked to see what God will do in and through us here in Kisumu. And we are also excited to be able to spend some time back in the States regrouping, catching/refining vision, and connecting and re-connecting with family and friends.
May the Lord richly bless you today!
Matt for the P3