I can do all things through Christ who Strengthens me! Philippians 4:13 Part 1
(Disclaimer: This is the story of our getting our Joelle Joye into this world…..labor and delivery details will be included. This is mostly for family and fellow mamas but it’s a beautiful testimony to our Lord Jesus Christ and His power and might!)
There are so many verses I could pick to start this blog but I think this verse captures the essence of our experience that we have had and are yet still having. Like any other 1 am in the third trimester, I hoisted my rather large belly up from bed to use the bathroom. As soon as I stood I realized something was very different. Either I had not made it to the toilet or Joellie was telling me it was time to come. As water gushed upon the wooden floor of our friend’s guest room, I prayed Kenya Grace our firstborn would not wake up. As I waddled to the restroom I called gently for Matt to wake up. He did sit up in bed but did not move. I called him again less gently and said he needed to come immediately. As he stumbled to the bathroom he stood over me silently just staring and not moving. When I told him my water broke, he didn’t even flinch. I told him again, “Babe, my water broke,” to which he replied, “I have to pee.” I knew the only adrenaline in the room was mine and that before any major contractions started I better get going to get us out of the house.
Back in the room as I searched for my “well prepared” hospital list Matt continued to just stand in the middle of the room not moving. Finally, I told him, “I need you to start moving and fast!!!!” Somehow I think he finally woke up and realized what was happening. After gathering our things, leaving a note for our girl, and being prayed for by our friend, we headed out into the streets of Nairobi a little before 2am. It was a bit of an eerie feeling being on the roads here in the middle of the night when crime can be at it’s peak but our mighty God protected us and we made record timing to the hospital. This was truly a gift from the Lord as traffic can be terrible and no one likes traffic, especially a woman going into labor. The contractions hadn’t totally kicked in so we parked in emergency met our dear friend AC who was already waiting for us and walked a good distance to the “Princess Zara Pavilion.”
I don’t think the nurse on duty really thought I was in labor since I was rather talkative and smiley but she gave us a room (in the next wing since maternity was full) and helped us to get settled. We had a few Kenyan moments like the nurse asking me if I had any “feelings” and I proceeded to tell her what my cramps were feeling like. Turns out she wasn’t asking me about “feelings” but “fillings” in my teeth. Ha! (There were several moments like that.) When the nurse checked me, I was 50% effaced and 3 cm. “Ha”! I said to myself, since I had been at a 3 for several weeks now and since I still wasn’t feeling anything super strong Matt, AC and I decided to try to nap. As the lights went out I found myself needing to breathe a little through what I now knew were contractions. After an hour of laying down I decided it was time to get up and try another position and AC informed me my contractions at that point were about 5 minutes a part. (I had this feeling she was not napping but listening to my breathing and sure enough, she was. Smile!) Any request we had for the nurses seemed to be taking a long time so we just decided that we’d move to the next phase right where we were at. Off went the warm clothes, on went the cool top and I found myself making company with the bath room sink which was rather sturdy and a good companion and the moaning began.
When the nurse realized I was entering hard labor she insisted we move to the labor room, wondering how quick this baby may come. After one good contraction we hustled down the hall and into the next wing and just about made it to the room when another contraction hit. The wall then became my companion and worked rather well till I could get to the friendly, green ball in the labor room. It was now about 6 am and unfortunately the ball did not work for me like it did with Kenya Grace. It was a nice resting place, but standing and rocking and burying my head into my pillow on the bed while I did tribal moans and groans worked well for at least the next hour. When AC made a phone call to the nurse and said my contractions were one minute a part I knew we were getting closer and I was getting tired. I knew I needed to try a different position and as we three experimented using the wall, all fours on the ground, even the chair, it was clear not too much at that point was going to help much.
The nurse came in and did a check after 7am and I was fully effaced and 6-7 cm’s dilated. Matt had already been reading me scripture which encouraged my heart so much but I was thinking he was going to need to do it again as I knew transition was ahead of me and things were already getting intense. My amazing labor coaches began to really exercise their muscles as the only way I could “relax” or find some relief was to fall completely into them and let them hold my 180 lbs plus and try moaning. After a short time on all 4s on the bed, I needed the bathroom again. Once in the bathroom I decided I wasn’t going anywhere and after two more contractions of hanging in my coaches arms and finding no relief, I realized my little girl was coming and no one was going to stop me. Smile! I remember hearing AC say to the nurse, she’s pushing! The nurse replied “She can’t, she has to stop, we have to get her on the bed.” That nurse was not my friend at that moment and I remember just baring down and letting out what I thought would be a good tribal moan but alas it was a scream. As the pushing took over and my body took over I had a moment of not believing what was happening. I felt flooded with peace and knew I wasn’t going to die but had no idea how I would make it through the pain.
AC and Matt managed to get me to the room and I remember hearing the nurse tell me I needed to get on the bed. I was ready to punch her, good thing Matt and AC had my arms. Just kidding! Well I did think of it but don’t think I would have ever done it. Somehow, someway they got me on the bed. Time was around 8am. I began pushing and with the pushes came the screams. I was told to stop so they could do the requested episiotomy and after being told to push gently I remember feeling like I would literally tear in two. With an intense scream and a mama bear growl, Joelle Joye Pottenger was out into the world covered in creamy vernix and blood. She really looked like strawberries and cream! Oh, what a wonder and truly the Lord from the hour we went into labor, to getting to the hospital, to the care, and strength of the Lord to bring this little girl into the world so safely and with no complications for her! (I have to add especially for a mama who praises God for epidurals and didn’t use one. Smile!)
As we pondered for at least two weeks whether to take some action in getting Joellie here, the Lord continued to encourage us to wait, and trust in Him. It was a word we continually received though we confess we waivered in resting in it. When I finally made the decision that God would bring her in His timing and in His way, and we would not interfere and that I could do all things through Christ, even wait…………………………………she arrived. All Glory to God!
Part 2 to follow (Peg’s Theatre Adventure!)