As the saints say here in Kenya, Bwana Asa Feway, sema tena Bwana Asa Feway. Praise the Lord, say it again, Praise the Lord! Our day Thursday into Nairobi was more than adventure and a bit difficult but full of blessings. As we expected our paper work was not finished but that was not a surprise as everything takes time here in Kenya. What was a surprise was a bit of the difficulty of our morning. Our poor driver was pulled over by the police multiple times, set up and they were demanding a bribe. Because we (Matt and I) would not pay the bribe ($3) it caused more problems and was soaking up an incredible amount time. Our driver was given permission to take us to our next stop and then return as they had his paper work. Unfortunately our driver was very upset and began to drive unsafely, just missing a matatu (bus) and because he was on his cell phone while driving (also a no no here in Kenya) he sped away from the police man in the intersection who proceeded to bang his baton on the back of the car. (Praise the Lord KG was asleep at this point!) We proceeded downtown into heavy traffic and our driver pulled out into the oncoming lane and just as I said to please slow down, to calm down and not worry about things, and to remember that we had KG in the car, he pulled backed over into the correct lane and swiped another car. It was a small fender bender but here in Kenya you negotiate right then and there and even pay. So needless to say we were ready to get out of the whole situation especially as a stranger hoped into the car to negotioate. My amazing, wise husband got on the phone and called a brother in the Lord who has been helping us shop for cars and asked if he could come and get us. In a matter of 2o minutes her was there. We thanked our driver and paid him for his services that far and joined our friend. That was a blessing in itself. We were quite a sight as we walked down the downtown street near the Hilton, with KG in her front pack, our backpacks and Matt carrying KG's car seat. Everyone asked if we needed a taxi and everyone stared. It was funny. (Later not at the time.)
We were so grateful that the Lord kept us calm, safe and that we were able to get another ride as we had so much to do that day and didn't have time for negotiations, and bribes. After an American lunch (Java!) and a reprieve and a surprise meeting with a fellow missionary Paul Cowley, we headed back out into traffic and to AIM where we checked on the vehicle we are looking at. The vehicle checked out really well and were able to use it for our ride home (our friend John drove and Matt drove it once we were out of the crazy traffic.) More to come on the vehicle, but please pray for us in this HUGE decision. We were so thankful to the Lord for sustaining us especially through the two hours of thick traffic and fumes, for His safety and protection, for a sweet meeting with an incredible woman named Maureen who is going to help us with the vehicle, paper work, work permit, etc, and for the people the Lord brought us to that day. We didn't arrive home until after 7:30 that night and that was after another adventure at a Nakumat (grocery store) where I picked up a new item that was on the shelf but they couldn't get it into the system. :) After 20 minutes of waiting and causing a long cue they said, not today. :0 I had to laugh especially after the day we had had. We were are so grateful for our sweet refugee at lanugae school where we can rest and gear up for more of the adventures to come. :) Our hearts our blessed as we say, "Haraka, Haraka, Heyna Baraka," Hurry, Hurry no blessing, and "Everything, can't be easy." It was also so fun to be able to debrief and laugh over stories with our housemates. They had gone to see a doctor since Noelle is pregnant and the first thing the doctor asked was, "What is the problem?" You have to laugh. :) Thank you for your prayers and for laughing with us in our adventures. We love you all!
Peg for The P3
Thankful that OUR LORD was with you!
I love the pictures! We will pray about the car for sure. Loving you guys and keeping you lifted up! Blessings and love.
I am glad you found humor in all of it. Praise the Lord for keeping you in good spirits!
Keep making typos...Early morning with pup here!
What an adventure into Nairobi! GREAT you kept your composure and had wisdom to call your friend.
Definitely a story to tell your grandchildren!
Love you BUNCHES...
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