Friday, February 20, 2009

A Day In the Life of the Pottengers

Our day starts around 6:45 when Matt gets up and goes to Kenya Grace in her room. She is usually awake and waiting for daddy to come. After changing her diaper Matt brings her into bed with mommy, who loves waking up slowly with her whole family together. We start our day by reading a chapter (or so) as a family in the Bible. We are in the book of John and started in Matthew when we lived at Babu and Bibi's. We then read the stories KG picks out from her Toddler Bible. She often picks Zachius because she loves the song we sing or she picks the story of Mary and Martha. Then we all pray together. Afterwards daddy heads downstairs for his quiet time and enjoys some tea while reading the Word. Mommy enjoys her coffee from the French Press :)while KG enjoys her sweet rice milk. We both enjoy toast as we are now officially out of Cheerios. So mommy can enjoy some time in the Word, KG watches a video Baby Einstein since it doesn't always have too many words and mommy can focus on the Bible. :)

We then get ready for school around 8:00 and head downstairs to greet Joyce who arrives around 8 and we sing the "Habari Za Asahbui" song. As we often scramble to get our books, more food, and water together for school we try to head out the door about 8:30. We always pray with Joyce and KG (Kilo Gram...her new nick name....ask Tia Aunt Jenni) and that is KG's cue that we are leaving. It is such a blessing because as soon as we pray she reaches for Joyce and kisses mommy goodbye. We start classes around 8:45/sometimes even 9:00. (It's Kenya and we don't start until we are all there.) From 9ish to 10:15ish we have class with Dada (sister) Stella and then we break for Chai. (Tea) We can usually hear KG playing or growling like a lion or saying "Joyce" in her sweet voice during our class time. During Chai time we visit with all the staff and other students and everyone eagerly awaits the arrival of KG. She is as one of our teachers says, "our cinema." She is definitely entertainment. There is also another family here from Korea who has a little boy 13 months old. His name is Hajun and KG and he have warmed up to each other and are now doing high fives. He is sweet and it is so nice to have two "babies" around. (We can't really call KG a baby anymore though.) Kenya Grace will go around and give high fives to everyone, and laugh and dance and sing songs. As usual if everyone is not doing the song or motions, she will call their names. The Kenyans love this.

After chai KG heads back to the house with Joyce for an egg from Pamlea and more play time while mommy and daddy head back into class. Lately it has been with dada Stella but sometimes we have Peter. We end class around 12:00/12:15 and head back to the house where lunch has been prepared for us by Pamela (our Kenyan actress.) She is the one who cooks for us but she is also our entertainment (only around the girls) as she imitates KG and sings and dances and is so dramatic. She is so much fun and makes Joyce laugh. We enjoy lunch with our house mates and talk over class or laugh at funny words or vent frustrations. Sometimes mommy and daddy take a walk while KG is napping we get to meet some local people during these times.

Around 1:30 Matt heads to conversation where he practices speaking with local Kenyans. Lately he has been taking his Bible and having conversations around the Word. :)Peg, takes a rest or reads or tries to do some communication work while KG naps. When KG wakes up they play, read and have a snack. KG is totally on Kenyan time for lunch. She usually goes down for a nap between 11:15 and 12:00 and a good nap is 2 hours. If she doesn't get 2 we know it will be more of a clingy afternoon for mommy. At 2:30 Matt heads to his grammar lesson and Peg and KG usually eat a snack outside or play. Peg works on speaking with Joyce and Pamela during the afternoons. When Matt is finished with school we enjoy family time either playing Frisbee outside and watching our daughter laugh or watching an afternoon video and playing on our big bed. Around 5 we try to get dinner ready. If Peg is cooking that evening she starts earlier and we all try to eat around 5:30. Sometimes we feed KG and then do her nighttime routine and eat afterwards while enjoying fellowship with Noelle and Jacob. :) We still give KG a bath every night and read a few stories and then put her under her princess net, (she also has the name Princess Butterfly thanks to Bibi.) :) We pray for her and mommy rubs her back and then says goodnight. On our dish duty night it usually takes us a good 45- to an hour to do dishes and get food together for our guard which Matt takes out to him and has short conversations in Kiswahili. It takes time to heat hot water for the dishes and if there a lot you have to heat water up several times. When we finish we study, relax, on the weekends watch a movie, sometimes we read and then thank the Lord for another day in Kenya at language school. Before we turn in Matt goes in to check on KG and usually kills several cockroaches. Yeah Matt! We also pray that the fan we have will keep those mosquitoes away so we can sleep. :) Most of the time it works. :)This is a typical school day for the Pottengers. There are always adventures and stories but for the most part it pretty predictable. We thank you for your prayers and covering. We feel it and praise God for you! Be blessed this weekend encouraged in the Lord. He is MIGHTY!

Peg for the P3


going kiwi said...

Thank you for sharing your routine. The pictures are great and I am so happy to hear about your car. Blessings and Love.

Hulst mommy said...

Cockroaches! Ewwww I will never complain about our ants again!

What a sweet morning routine with the family Bible time and Ms Kenya already loving her Bible stories. What a blessing!

Anonymous said...

I just read this outloud to your Mom (Ann) and Don (your dad just left for Banning). We all loved reading about your day and had several good laughs. What a joy to hear how you all are blessing the Kenyan's in just being who God made you! Write more:)
Lots of love and Kisses, Mor-mor

Mary Brown and Shellie Sytsma said...

I am reminded of some things that Dr. Sears mentions in his book about high needs babies - about what amazing little people they become! Kenya Grace sounds like such a blessing!

Anonymous said...

So fun to hear what a typical day is like for you...we can try to imagine what you are doing as we go throughout our days too! Sending our love and blessings!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
The girls excited about a box!